Our vision
RAJ zdravia is a unique and the only place in Slovakia providing a complex of services and therapies according to the oldest medicine of humanity, Ayurveda.
The concept of RAJ zdravia is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda and yoga and these two words are hidden in the name. The word RAJ represents the initial letters of the three pillars of the whole concept: Revitalization by Ayurveda and Joga. Raj in Sanskrit (read Rāja) means king, royal. Rāja Yoga, the royal yoga, is also one of the paths of yoga.
Ayurveda is the science of life, it defines the basic conditions of right living, it is governed by the laws of nature. Ayurveda deals with the causes of disharmony of health and the onset of disease, offering recipes and therapies for healing. In doing so, it is based on the knowledge of nature and the energetic constitution of human beings, which is unique to each one of us. Dietary supplements as well as medicines are exclusively of natural origin.
Yoga teaches us how to maintain physical and especially mental health, how to live a vibrant life in harmony, full of joy and love, how to be a better person.
By following the principles of Ayurveda and incorporating yoga techniques into your life, everyone can help themselves get into a natural balance where they feel content and “in their own skin”.
Our goal is to help people find their lost health, help them kick-start the body’s natural regenerative ability and improve their quality of life.
Our vision is to build an Ayurvedic clinic also incorporating the latest advances in western medicine. Human health is a transient state, it requires an individual and holistic approach and this is what can be achieved through integrative medicine.
RAJ zdravia has been built with love with the aim of making it a top-notch Ayurvedic medical facility for the long term.